Video: Preserving the Harvest

During the fall and winter, I probably won’t be shooting a video every single week but I did want to create one on preserving the harvest from the garden. I get a lot of questions about this topic so I thought I’d cover the different methods we use for specific vegetables and fruits.

In the video, I show you how we’re storing root crops and tree fruits from our little orchard; the types of garden produce we freeze, can or dehydrate; and how easy it is to store pumpkins and winter squash over several months.

Take a look:

I hope you found this helpful. One other thing: did you know I have a guide on my website called “Preserving the Harvest“? This guide is filled with how-to instructions, a few recipes, when to harvest vegetables and so on. I fully intend to expand the guide over time.

If you have suggestions for future videos or would like additional information related to preserving your garden harvest, or if you have suggestions on information to add to the “Preserving the Harvest” guide on my website, just drop me a note at