Video: Organic Insect Control Pt. 2

organic insect control, flea beetles
Tobacco hornworm.

This week’s video is the second of three installments about organic insect control. In this video, I focus on more challenging vegetable garden insects: flea beetles, hornworms, and slugs and snails. Although I should clarify that those last two are technically mollusks, rather than insects.

It is so important to use organic strategies and products to control these and other types of damaging insect pests. Why? Well, the whole idea of growing your own food – other than saving a lot of money – is to eat healthy, chemical-free produce. Right?

The insect in the photo at the very top of this post (and on the main screen of the video) is a flea beetle. They are so difficult to control because they can easily hop out of harm’s way.

I hope you are finding this series helpful so far. And wait till you see the insects I saved for the third and final video in this series! They rank right up at the top of the MOST challenging bugs in a garden. Ugh.