Video: Vegetable Garden Tour #1

vegetable garden tour, lettuce

This week’s new video marks a little milestone for the 2023 garden season. It’s the first vegetable garden tour!

In it, I provide updates on how everything in the garden is growing so far. I even give you a little peek at the seedlings in our greenhouse. They are all waiting for warmer temperatures.

But more than anything, I share some important tips to help you be successful at growing the types of crops that are just getting under way outdoors.

At the beginning of the video, I mentioned how it was 82 degrees F., which is very unusual. Even though it’s been tempting to plant warm-season crops, experience has taught me to be patient. As a matter of fact, the daytime highs dropped by almost 30 degrees yesterday! Yikes. I still plan to wait until the traditional dates (the 3rd to 4th weeks of May).

I hope you’ll enjoy this first vegetable garden tour!