Video: How to Grow Onions

grow onions, onion sets
Can’t wait for the harvest!

It’s time for this week’s video. In it, you’ll learn how to grow onions.

I haven’t covered this topic for a while and this year, I’m conducting an experiment. I’m growing onions from seeds, seeds (small bulbs) and plant starts that I bought at a garden center. I thought it’d be fun to see how each type performs during the season and what the yields will be at harvest time.

Onions are one of our favorite crops to grow. First of all, they sure make a lot of dishes taste a whole lot better! And we enjoy growing ones that store a long time so we can use them throughout the winter months.

Onions aren’t difficult to grow. As a matter of fact, they’re pretty low maintenance! You just plant them and make sure they get watered regularly, and that’s it.

I hope you’ll enjoy the video: