Video: Seed Starting Demystified Part Two

seed starting

When I shot my previous video on seed starting, I promised there would be follow-ups and here’s the first of them! In this video, I show you how my little lettuce seedlings are coming along. Then I discuss seed viability and how to conduct your own seed germination test on older seeds (spoiler alert: it’s easy!). And last but not least, I talk about the placement of grow lights to help seedlings grow well.

I wanted to provide you with a link to my seed viability chart on this very website, since it’s one of the video topics. But keep in mind that the majority of seeds will last longer than we give them credit for. It’s best to store them in a cool, dark location. We keep our seeds in our basement.

My goal is to help you be successful every step of the way! I know seed starting can be a little confusing. I hope these videos will take the mystery out of the whole process.