Video: Grow Microgreens

grow microgreens
I love microgreens!

For my newest video, I decided to conduct an experiment. I wanted to share the steps it takes to grow microgreens, but also wanted to test a different method for growing microgreens.

If you’re not familiar with microgreens, you sow the seeds very thickly into a planting flat and harvest them as young plants. The great thing about microgreens is that research has shown these seedlings are far more nutritious than their mature counterparts. So they are super healthy for you!

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I love growing them during the winter months because I always miss having fresh salad greens this time of year. Well, microgreens make pretty amazing salads and you can easily grow them indoors! My simple method involves planting the seeds very thickly in a flat, placing it under a grow light for several days and then harvesting them.

I’ve heard about keeping the planted seeds in the dark for a few days but have never tried that. In this video, I decided to compare these two methods side by side.

If you’re looking for sources for bulk microgreens seeds, here are some suggestions:

I heartily recommend buying the seeds in bulk because they are much more economical. Since the method involves planting the seeds thickly, you will need quite a few of them. My favorite microgreens to grow are Speckled peas.

OK, here’s the video. I hope you’ll enjoy it and that it will encourage you to add this unusual method of growing your food to your repertoire!