June 28 Column: Birds in the Garden

birds in the garden, young quail

Birds in the GardenI’m really excited about this week’s column because I wrote about my favorite subject: birds in the garden. Watching them gives me so much joy. Here’s a link to it in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Work to provide sanctuary for birds pays off.

I think you’ll have fun reading about the quail who are currently raising their families. Other information in the column includes how Bill and I created a landscape that would attract birds, so you might find that helpful.

For this week’s “Everyone Can Grow a Garden” video, I focused on California quail: a little bit about them, how we protect a couple types of veggie crops that they think are tasty, and then wrap up with a slideshow of quail photos I’ve taken over the years. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

Have a great week, everybody!