Video: Planting and Supporting Peas

This week is a two-fer in the video department! First, there was my video on the secrets to melon-growing success. And I just shot a video on planting and supporting peas… while my tips for each might seem a little unconventional, both definitely have a “cool” factor.

While I could have delayed the release of the pea video until next weekend, which is when I traditionally make each video live, I wanted this one to be timely since we should all be getting our peas in the ground.

There is so much going on the garden these days! Are you keeping up OK? I am doing my best but it’s a bit overwhelming at times. And since our spring has been getting off to a VERY slow start, I’m feeling very behind.

Here is the pea video. I hope you will enjoy it and be willing to try some new things:

planting and supporting peasI also mentioned in the video how I had supported the peas slightly differently last year, so the photo to the left shows that. It is so cool to be able to use natural materials from our gardens to support our plants!