Aug. 6 Column: Garden Pests

slug damage

slug, beer trap, garden pestsNow that we’re well into the growing season, I thought it would be helpful to write a column on some of the problems that can come up. I’m specifically talking about garden pests that can be very challenging. Here is a link to my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Identify the pest before choosing the remedy.

While I would love to pretend like everything always goes smoothly in my garden, that wouldn’t be honest or realistic in the least! I can’t complain for the most part because I don’t have a lot of insect problems, but some of them sure are frustrating.

cabbage worms, garden pestsIn my column, you’ll learn how I have dealt with them organically because it’s so important we avoid using nasty chemicals. When we do, they can have far-reaching implications because many insecticides are non-selective, meaning they kill both the bad guys and the good ones.

And now for this week’s “Everyone Can Grow A Garden!” video. The topic is growing a winter garden. I know, it’s seems awfully early but this is the best time to get your veggies started. And if you live in an area with cold winters, you might think it’s not possible to grow crops during the fall and winter months, but I’m hear to say YES! You can and you should give it a try!