Video: Plant Spring-Flowering Bulbs

spring-flowering bulbs, Ocean Magic grape hyacinth
This photo shows some of the rock garden iris and Siberian squill growing in our rose garden.

I garden in hardiness zone 5b. Our winters can be long, cold and snowy so when spring arrives, it’s always a milestone to be celebrated. Each fall, I plant spring-flowering bulbs to make springtime extra special.

In this week’s video, I discuss the different types of bulbs that must be planted this time of year. I also cover important considerations when selecting bulbs to buy and then demonstrate how I plant them.

One of the things I’ve been doing for the past few years is to choose more unusual types of bulbs so you’ll learn more about that, too. This year’s new additions are Tulipa humilis ‘Persian Pearl’, Narcissus bulbocodium ‘White Petticoat’, crocus ‘Orange Monarch’ and Iris reticulata ‘Pixie’. All of these bulbs came from As I explain in the video, I don’t have an affiliation with them but boy, do I love their selection!

I hope this video will inspire you to plant really cool spring-flowering bulbs in your garden, too!