Video: Our Spring Garden

spring garden, Euphorbia polychroma

I decided to do something a little different for this week’s video. The focus is on our ornamental spring garden because it’s so wonderful to watch it come back to life. I guess really long, tough winters increase our appreciation, right?

In this video, you’ll see flowering bulbs, perennials that are just getting ready to bloom, along with flowering trees and shrubs. Rather than narrate the whole video, I decided to just focus on the natural sounds of the birds in our garden. But don’t worry: there are captions throughout the video.

You’ll hear song sparrows, quail, house finches, goldfinches, chickadees, cedar waxwings, along with many other birds… and a neighbor’s rooster from time to time!

Speaking of birds, you’ll get to meet Ned, our new black-capped chickadee friend, and Nancy will put in a cameo appearance as well! I hope you’ll enjoy this snapshot of our spring garden.