Video: Susan’s Snowy Garden

snowy garden
American cranberry bush berries.

We’ve been having some wild, wintry weather since early November and it technically isn’t even winter yet! That got me to thinking about how beautiful the snow is. For this week’s video, I decided to put together a slideshow of our snowy garden over the years. But there’s something different about this video which I hope you’ll enjoy: the music.

I have been a classical pianist for a very long time. Recently, I posted on Facebook that my Steinway baby grand piano had just turned 100 years old. How cool is that? I didn’t realize that folks would be so interested in this part of my life and was overwhelmed by the nice comments.

A lot of folks asked me to play something for them, so I posted a short video. Everyone was very appreciative. As a result, Bill suggested that I record the soundtrack to go along with this video. Because of the subject matter and time of year, I thought a Bach Prelude in C major would be appropriate. I hope you’ll enjoy both the photos and the music!

And, I should add, I intend to do this sort of thing every so often because it’s a lot of fun.