Video: Planting Waxed Amaryllis bulbs

waxed Amaryllis bulbs

Did you buy or receive a waxed Amaryllis bulb during the holiday season? I have been alarmed to hear that a lot of people just toss them after they’ve finished blooming. I’m here to tell you that it’s easy to remove the wax and pot them up so you can enjoy them for years.

That’s the topic of my newest video. I had never heard of them before the 2020 holiday season. A friend of mine gave me one as a gift and the blooms were so pretty. While they are a bit of a novelty, it would be a shame to throw them out. I potted mine up later and it has healthy, lush new growth and amazing roots.

Fast forward to this past holiday season: I received another waxed Amaryllis bulb and did the same thing. These bulbs will bloom again!

I hope you’ll find this video helpful. Please spread the word that the bulbs will live on if you pot them up!

And, as I mentioned in the video, remember that Amaryllis bulbs are actually Hippeastrum. There is a bulb called Amaryllis belladonna that is known commonly as a “Naked Lady.” That’s because they shoot up flowers that bloom first, then the leaves emerge. I really don’t know how this naming mix-up occurred but I feel compelled to make gardeners aware of this!

Happy planting, everybody!