NW Flower & Garden Show: Fleurs de Ville

Fleurs de Ville

Fleurs de VilleI’ve recently returned from a visit to the 2020 NW Flower & Garden Show in Seattle. This year, the show was held from Feb. 26 to Mar. 1, and the high point was certainly the Fleurs de Villes exhibit.

To create the amazing “clothes” for several mannequins, local florists used thousands of fresh flowers. The costumes were so detailed and the more I studied them, the more I was amazed by the variety of flowers (and leaves) they chose.

I thought you might enjoy seeing them so have included a lot of photos of them below, just to give you an idea of what I’m talking about. Kudos to the talented florists who made this first-ever exhibition a roaring success!

Remember that you can click on any of the photos to view a much larger image.

Fleurs de Ville  Fleurs de Ville

Fleurs de Ville  Fleurs de Ville

Fleurs de Ville  Fleurs de Ville

Fleurs de Ville  Fleurs de Ville

(If you’re wondering what you’re looking at in the above right photo, those are the seed heads of money plant, which were used for the model’s dress!)