Great Backyard Bird Count is Coming


Great Backyard Bird Count, northern flickerAre you a bird-lover? And are you concerned about the decline in bird species? Well, you can pursue your passion and help out by participating in this year’s Great Backyard Bird Count.

This annual event takes place from Feb. 14 to 17, 2020, and is really easy to be involved in. How simple? Just count the types of birds you see in as little as 15 minutes on one or more days during the Great Backyard Bird Count and report your sightings on the website,

The information you provide will be sent to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. In 2019, over 160,000 people participated in the bird count! All of information they receive provides a great deal of useful data, especially in light of the alarming news regarding the serious decline of bird species around the world.

I hope you’ll consider taking part in this enjoyable — and very worthwhile — event and do your part for the birds!

And if you’re wondering about the bird photos in this post, the top is of Canadian geese passing over our house and the lower photo is of a red-shafted Northern flicker.