Holiday Gift Guides for Gardeners

holiday gift guides, Amaryllis bul;bs

holiday gift guides, Amaryllis PapilioIf you are a gardener or know someone who is into gardening, chances are you’re pondering what to get them for a holiday gift. Well, have I got some ideas for you! Gardener’s Supply has come to the rescue by putting together some holiday gift guides which should solve your dilemma.

The gift guides contain all sorts of awesome ideas sure to please any gardener. My favorite items include the Mod Hod harvest baskets, Deep-Seat Garden Kneeler, Holiday String Light Bird Feeder, Eco-Stained Self-Watering Standing Garden Success Kit, and the Victorian Lace Bird Feeder.

The flowers gift guide is filled with absolutely gorgeous bulbs and potted plants that even non-gardeners would go nuts over. I’ve grown some of the Amaryllis (technically known as Hippeastrum) bulbs that Gardener’s Supply offers and the cultivars they sell are unique and so beautiful, plus most of them come in really attractive pots. Some of my favorites are ‘Purple Rain’, ‘Provence’ and ‘Papilio’ (this one blooms like crazy and is pictured above left). They also have other types of potted bulbs and houseplants.

You’ll notice one of the items they offer is waxed Amaryllis. While I haven’t tried them, they are about as easy as you can get: they don’t require potting and they don’t need to be watered! Wow.

If you’re wondering why I’m recommending Gardener’s Supply, it’s for a few reasons. They guarantee everything they sell; you can’t beat that, right? They are employee-owned. They are very active in their community. And they are just plain nice people!

So take a look at their offerings while you’re shopping for ideas and you just might check off a name or two on your list! (and remember that subtle hints for yourself work, too)