Video: Rainy Day Birdwatching

Rainy Day Birdwatching, sunflower

Rainy day birdwatching video, goldfinchAs many of you know, I post to my Facebook page every single day. But I realize a lot of folks don’t “do” Facebook and I totally get that. So I’m trying to be really good about keeping non-Facebook users in the loop. Today, I have a fun video for you called “Rainy Day Birdwatching.”

A few days ago, we were having a particularly rainy day. As I looked out our sliding glass door, I was able to watch a host of goldfinches on our Nyjer thistle feeder, a few of them bathing, and even more nibbling on the seedheads from some of our bee balm and Russian sage plants. What a nice treat!

Soon I was running for my video camera so I could capture everything for you. And that’s what’s on tap for today:

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, remember to leave plants with seedheads in place this fall so your bird friends will have plenty to eat this winter. Those seeds are such an important nutrition source for them.

I hope you enjoyed my “Rainy Day Birdwatching” video and stay tuned for more as the opportunity arises!