First Review of Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook!

I just found out that Homestead How-To has written a review of my new book in which they say The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook is “highly recommended!” How cool is that?

I was tickled to learn this because I think it’s so important to hear what others are saying about my book. Sure, I think it is going to be a tremendous resource for all gardeners, but I suppose I’m a bit partial!

Whenever Bill and I are thinking about purchasing something, we invariably read the reviews to find out if the product is everything they say it is. It’s so gratifying to hear that the folks at Homestead How-To agree with what I’ve been telling you about The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook.

And it means a lot to me when folks take the time to write a review. Here is a link to their review:

You can follow Homestead How-to on Facebook in addition to subscribing to their newsletters through their website.

Thanks, folks, for the great review!