Video: Roast Beets!

roast beets

Do you know how to roast beets? Well, that’s the topic of the next in my series of videos on what to do with the vegetables you grow in your garden. Roast beets are so delicious and one of my favorite fall and wintertime treats.

In this video, I show you how easy it is to roast beets, how to make a tasty salad to feature them, how to roast nuts, and share my favorite salad dressing recipe. That’s a lot of information!

I even take you out to the little hoop house in our garden so I can pick lettuce for the salad. That’s where I grow my winter garden, which I do without the use of supplemental heat. This year, I’m growing a few types of lettuce, ‘Matador’ spinach, and dwarf curled kale. I’m amazed at how well they’re all doing because it has been VERY cold lately.

I hope you’ll enjoy the video and the recipes. I’m getting a lot of nice feedback from folks. I’m so glad I decided these videos would be helpful! If you think of topics for future cooking videos, let me know: Susan@SusansintheGarden.