A Note from Susan

Siberian irisHello, gardening friends!

June 13, 2024 _ Every time I think our crazy weather pattern has settled down, I discover Mother Nature has more in store for us. We had really high winds on Tuesday. While I was out in front, weeding the flower bed, I noticed a column of smoke. Yikes!

We were fortunate in that the fire was a few miles from us, and no one lost their homes, but it’s still so unsettling for everyone involved. It makes me nervous to think what this year’s fire season will be like since everything is so dry.

The beautiful flowers in the photo are Siberian irises. I just love that color and their blossoms are so elegant.

On a more upbeat note (sorry), my newest video  is now available for viewing. It’s my June vegetable garden tour and you’ll see everything we’re growing. Here’s a link to the video on my blog.

If you need help with a variety of gardening challenges, you might want to order a signed copy of my book, The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook, from me. In it, address weather-related issues (including heat and drought), vegetable disorders and diseases, germination and pollination problems, dealing with all sorts of critters in the garden and so much more. Just send me an email at Susan@SusansintheGarden.com and I’ll take care of you quickly. If you would prefer to order it directly from Amazon, here is my affiliate link to it. Thank you for supporting your friendly author!

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